Nailing - Seam folding machines
- Nailing machine for wooden boxes - BOHM & KRUSE 8/600 pneumatic double position reference stop machine tested (video available on request by WhatsApp) overall dimension for shipment 1...
- BREVETTI MOTTA VELOX C.E. frame stapler - Code 16283
- Motta seamer
- Motta frame seamer - Seen and liked Cod.14944
- PILM seamer MOD.JOINT 5X5 SUPER - Code 15838
- splicing machine for frame strips BREVETTI C12 NT Machine description/name: splicing machine for frame strips Producer: BREVETTI Model: C12 NT Year of production: 1997 State: used...1997
- Stapler Brevetti Motta, mod. Velox, year 2005 CE Code: 9000382005
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