Машина для пропитки - давление вакуума автоклав - модель“APV”

Apv (autoclave vuoto pressione)

The structure of the wood is similar to that of a sponge, with cavities and walls. The goal of impregnation of the wood is to cover the walls of these cavities with the primer to protect them from decay caused by fungi and insects. The preservative penetrates deep into the wood due to the effect of pressure and vacuum. Initially, the vacuum removes the air from the cavity to create a space for the impregnating solution which is forced deep into the wood by means of a strong pressure.

To meet the diverse needs of customers, we designed two models of impregnators:

- Mod. APV1: model with tank and vessel. The tank is used as storage for the preservative solution and placed under the vessel.

- Mod. APV2: model with double vessel. The upper vessel is supported by free-standing structure and contains the preservative solution.

Our products are manufactured in compliance with the european laws that define the EU’s health, safety and environmental protection requirements.
For more informations visit our website: WWW.WTMVAGLIO.COM
tel. +39 0302640164


Costruzioni Metalliche Vaglio s.r.l.

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